Initial Diagnosis and Examination 在初步確診及評估, 有甚麼需要留意?

We recommend patients to bring along any past medical reports, X-ray and MRI so that we can have a better understanding of your situation. The initial diagnosis, examination and treatments usually last between 45-60 minutes.

我們鼓勵病人帶備自己的X光片, 磁力共震片,報告及一切有關可以令物理治療師更加了解你情況的資料. 初步確診及評估大確需要四十五分鐘, 當中包括診斷, 身體檢查, 治療及再次評估.

Initial Diagnosis and Examination 在初步確診及評估, 有甚麼需要留意?

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