In our centre we provide clean shorts and t-shirts for easier examination/ treatments. But we may not have stocked all sizes. Therefore we recommend bringing your own shorts and t-shirts for better comfort.
(Note: During examination and treatment you may be required to expose partially. If necessary our female assistant would gladly come in to assist/observe the treatment session)
我們本中心提供短衫褲, 以方便治療. 但是尺寸未必附合每一個人. 所以我們鼓勵病人自行帶備合適衣著, 並可以有效地讓物理治療師作檢查及進行治療.
(在檢查或治療中, 病人會要求露出身體部份以配合治療. 如有需要, 我們的助手會樂意協助)