Hydrotherm Far-Infrared Moist Heat Pad 微調式遠紅外線濕熱電毯


Hydrotherm Far-Infrared Moist Heat Pad 微調式遠紅外線濕熱電毯


  • For Temporary & Deep Pain Relief 透過吸收空氣中之水份,產生濕熱效能
    Soothes Muscular Aches & Pains 令人體內之血管擴張,並有效促進血液循環
    Therapy with Comfort and Health 能效舒緩肌肉,頸,背,腰及腰間之痛楚Hand Switch Control 手控式開關
    Temperature Control 溫度顯示
    Timer Control 時間顯示
    On/ Off Light 燈號開/關顯示”HYDROTHERM’ Moist Heat Pad 14”x 27” inch, Large size (大碼)“保康健” LED微調式濕熱電氈- Suitable for Neck and Back 適合頸至背脊部位MADE IN TAIWAN
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